Blogs > Index > Quick Life Check | 13/03/24

Quick Life Check

All of the zero people who care about this site may be wondering to themselves: where did I go? Well you see, between everything in life getting hard all of a sudden, what is most likely severe depression and also just generally being busy with other projects I just simply didn't have time, and I mostly, still don't! I'll try to be active sometimes, but remember that whole roadmap with site wide themes and stuff? Yeah don't count on that, not any time soon at least.

What I've been up to (Mild venting-adjascent-but-not-really content ahead?)

I started taking driving lessons about three months ago, I'm nearing the finish, and it looks dire. It feels like I'm getting progressively worse than better at it. I get frequent anxiety attacks just thinking about it and I just generally hate it. I also started getting worse grades at school because even doing as much as keeping up is becoming difficultfor me. Another thing I'm trying is learning to play guitar. I haven't had much time for it until recently, but even while keeping that in mind: I'm totally miserable at it for the time I put in. I developed and released one of my games, Lucid Sunshine, which flopped massively and no one played it, which is good because it sucks. I've decided to attempt a mild amount of devlogging of the game I'm currently working on. I post the updates on my page as well as a youtube video here and there. I'll see if that'll improve things. But overall yeah, life hasn't been the greatest. That's all I wanted to say, peace out